LEVSHA – original assistants with magnetic technology for beauty professionals
Work space ergonomics evolution in global beauty industry
Roman LEVSHA — brand founder and assistants' designer
LEVSHA set the trend for assistants and has changed beauty professionals' workspace forever. Only in three years, the brand has become popular and recognizable around the world.
In 2020, top hairdressers received LEVSHA products for a test drive. They were delighted after using them. Working with assistants has changed their attitude towards their work space: they got an opportunity to create stylish comfort at work.
Nothing distracts or annoys anymore; the entire focus is on creating beauty, as the hairdresser's job is a true art form.
The creator of a unique coloring method called Airtouch, Vladimir Sarbashev, was one of the first to assess the comfort and quality of LEVSHA. Today, his academy for hairdressers works with LEVSHA products.
Top stylist and colorist Igor Khonin called LEVSHA "Maybach among the equipment for hairdressers." Igor also works with LEVSHAssistant.
Top stylist at Alexander Todchuk Academy, Vladimir Gulevich, says this about the assistants: "They don't take lots of space, are convenient to use, easy to move around, and light. Love the option of putting hot tools on the desktop!"
Industry opinion leaders have chosen LEVSHA
worldwide recognition
In 2020 LEVSHA went global.
Online promotion on social media eliminated all borders. Professionals from all over the world started ordering assistants: from England, Germany, Japan, Australia, the USA, Brazil, and other countries.
An opinion leader with a one million audience, a Brasilian stylist named Romeu Felipe, immediately fell in love with the table, saddle chair, bowls, and other gadgets. LEVSHAssistant held a joint presentation with Romeu in Moscow and Amsterdam. Today, he is a friend of LEVSHA brand.
LINH PHAN, , a renowned American colorist, wrote: 'What a fantastic product! I want to work with it.' Now Linh also works with assistants and is a fan of the brand.
Beauty industry opinion leaders have chosen LEVSHA
A stylish and convenient work space is a sign of professionalism.
Today, industry professionals who are growing, upgrading their skills, and striving for success are working with LEVSHAssistant, or dreaming about buying the assistants.

There is a flash mob on social media where industry professionals who bought the equipment shoot the process of unpacking and share their emotions.
The brand's backstory
Making of the brand
The official start.Entering the market
LEVSHA today
In 2014, a young hair stylist Roman LEVSHA (Kulikov) was actively gaining popularity in Moscow. Roman was working with celebrities and building his social media presence. His schedule was full months ahead. Working 12-13 hours a day, Roman constantly wondered how to optimize his workspace, how not to be distracted by insignificant details and come home sooner.

Roman has been left-handed since birth, and all the trolleys that existed at the time were designed for right-handed people; it was inconvenient to use a hair dryer slot. Bowls shifting around the desktop, and the fear of burning the trolley with stylers was also annoying, as well as the general inability to arrange everything in a convenient manner.
In 2018, Roman attended a master class by a famous colorist. He saw that the stylist was constantly distracted by the bowl moving around the worktop, and volunteered to be his assistant. Standing there with the bowl in his hands, he made the decision to start producing bowls using magnetic technology. He also came up with the name for his gadgets - assistants, as well as a name for his brand - LEVSHAssistant.

Roman analyzed the global market for similar equipment and was surprised to find out that there was nothing even close to what he had in mind. He decided to produce on a global scale.

In 2018, he started to put together technical blueprints and documentation for production and patents. At the same time, additional assistants were designed. Today, LEVSHAssistant has 12 patents in Russia, 3 patents in Europe, and 2 patents in the USA.
On Jan 1 2020, the official LEVSHAssistant social media page was launched. The first batch was produced and ready for distribution by the beginning of 2020. In April, all the beauty salons were closed because of the pandemic lockdown. There was no time for desperation; it was crucial to enter the market. So, an active online promotion strategy was implemented. The Internet has allowed the brand to enter foreign markets immediately: industry professionals from Europe, the USA, and other countries got interested in the assistants.

The equipment was interesting and unique, and as soon as the beauty salons reopened in the summer of 2020, mass orders for assistants were placed.
Since 2021, LEVSHA equipment has become a welcome headliner at large- and small-scale presentations and master classes. That's because with this particular equipment master classes are held at the highest level, as presenters are not distracted by insignificant issues and just do their job.

Today, the brand occupies leading positions in the beauty industry and is expanding its global presence. The demand for assistants is consistently growing. New convenient assistants are designed annually, bringing style and comfort into a beauty professional's workplace.
In 2016, Roman opened his own studio and started to implement his work space optimization solutions. To create the first table and assistants prototype, he used a barbecue grill stand and magnets from a hardware store. A metal grill stand part was attached to the trolley to imitate the table, while magnets were stuck to bowls that Roman bought at the grocery store. This helped to boost efficiency, and clients started to notice that coloring took less time.
In 2019, the first batch of gadgets was ordered to be produced at high-tech plants in China.
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